Tips for perfect print data – High-resolution HPL plates

Only with very good print data in the correct format will you achieve very good print quality up to 2400 DPI resolution. Please create the data as follows:

Create print data:

• Delivery pec CD, mail, FTP server

• Programs used: Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6, Creative Cloud

• File formats: PDF, EPS vectorized, AI

• Minimum resolution: 300 dpi

• File processing in CMYK

• File names without accents and/or special characters

• Vector-based files with reduced transparency and shadows

• File size 100% or proportionally reduced (50%, 25%), no enlargement >400%

• Bleed 5mm cutting edge, 30 mm for printing on front and back, 50 mm for frescoes on multiple sides

• For approval, add paper printout of the print templates.

If you cannot send us any data, we also offer graphic services through our partner agency Design costs: €95.00/hour.

From your screen onto the high-performance board



Clipping path is created on a separate layer in original size. Vectors as clipping paths must not be interrupted.


Specifying diameter and position for given cutting paths, the diameter must be smaller than the hole. The hole diameter must be at least 1 mm larger than the diameter of the screw (so that EMOTIONIMAGE can expand).

Inserts/screws: M5 for a thickness of 10 mm, M6 for a thickness of 13 mm or more.

Ein Quadrat mit dem Buchstaben e darauf


Eine Nahaufnahme eines Lochs in einem Stück Metall.


Eine Nahaufnahme eines Metallobjekts auf einer grauen Oberfläche.


Eine Nahaufnahme eines Metallstücks auf einem weißen Hintergrund.


Ein Bohrer schneidet ein Loch in ein Stück Metall.


Eine Zeichnung einer Säge, die ein Stück Metall schneidet.


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